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Desde 22/05/2010

quarta-feira, 10 de julho de 2013

Letra de Daddy's Girl da Jessica Sutta

Confira a letra de Daddy's Girl da Jess. Essa música é muito linda!

Spotlight blinding, shadows in the crowd
Music starting, you're nowhere to be found
Said you'd be here, again you're missing out
Hear the crowd roar, bringing down the house

I guess... I owe you... For what I've became
Living on my own with your rapsid heart
I was never, daddy's little girl
I don't need a man to define my worth
I was never, daddy's little girl
Although it's sad, you can't miss what you never had

Life changing, as simple as it sounds
Despite your actions, I've turned my life around
Bring you with me, and every lover found
Alone on stage, the silence ripples out

I guess... I owe you... For what I've became
Living on my own with your rapsid heart
I was never, daddy's little girl
I don't need a man to define my worth
I was never, daddy's little girl
Although it's sad, you can't miss what you never had


Obrigado pela letra @DarkShadowXCI.
© 2010/2011 | Jessica Sutta Br - Todos os direitos reservados | Layout by: Darlan Borges